Experiencing the Magnitude

Experiencing the Magnitude
Will it Matter in a Million Years...maybe

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St Patrick's Day 2012

Well it is late, or early, depending on how you look at the time.  Either way it is St. Patrick's Day in the good ole US of A.  People all over the land are preparing for a good day of fun and celebration.  Parades, cocktails, family and friends, and yes, more cocktails.  

Savannah, GA is predicting the largest crowd in their Parade history with expectations exceeding the one million people mark.  That's a LOT of folks!  Savannah, a town of roughly 75,000 people and Chatham County with a population of roughly 200,000, a million is a rather large jump.  I would think even a town such as Athens, GA, home to those great Bulldawgs, would have a difficult time handling such a dramatic increase in numbers.  So to my friends in Savannah....Enjoy.  Sounds like a good day to skip downtown and just go out on the boat.

I don't immediately have any pictures to share from past St. Patrick's Days from Savannah or Tybee, but I must say both parades are days full of fun and friends.....and a few drinks included.  If I am able to locate a photo or two today I will add them in...otherwise I'll save them for a "real" article next year.  

St. Patrick's Day, for many people, is well just another day.  I was one of those people the first year I moved to Savannah.  I had my entire sales staff scheduled and out making calls, little did I know what I was missing out on.  Over the next year or so I began to grasp a new appreciation for a day that meant very little to me as a child or even as a young adult.  St Patrick's Day to many is just a day of partying; and to them I say...well, good for you!  For others, it is a day of celebration, a day of ceremony, a day of tradition, a day of well, partying!  

St. Patrick's Day:  No, I see no need going into grave detail at this hour explaining the history or traditions of this day....you can always "google" it.  For me, St. Patrick's Day simply became a day of memories and honoring some wonderful people.  During my time in Savannah, I unfortunately lost several very important people, and always during the month of March.  Oddly enough, March  is also a time that I have been able to reconnect with some dear friends from college during the annual Savannah St Pats Rugby Tournament.  Yes, March has come to be a difficult month for me personally but at the same time it has become a time to rejoice in the bonds of friendship.  For those who know me well, they understand or at least accept my moments of misery during this time; but it is those people for whom I am the most greatful.

St. Patrick's Day is a day for celebration and Savannahians know how to do it best.  I cannot begin to comment on the details of this fine day, especially at such an impromptu writing and late hour.  So instead I simply say to all those who matter the most....Happy St. Patrick's Day, and allow me to raise my glass as a toast to you and yours.  God Speed my friend(s).....

as always, 

"It is better to spend money like there's no tomorrow than to spend tonight like there's no money!"


1 comment:

  1. March - the best and worst of times. I'm having a cold one for you now, Brian. Good to be back in touch.
