Experiencing the Magnitude

Experiencing the Magnitude
Will it Matter in a Million Years...maybe

Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Amazing Global Concept

The global economy, the global experience, the global connection; call it what you will but the internet has certainly amazed this writer every day.  We talk about the global economy as though we understand how it affects our individual 401 k's and investments.  We debate the stupidity of college athletes when they do foolish yet typical teenage mistakes.  We listen to our grandparents discuss how they waited weeks for a letter from their son serving his country overseas.  Yet every day we watch the value of our investments fluctuate based on the actions of some country we have never heard of, we try and teach our children that cameras are everywhere and lastly we skype our loved ones as though they are not in some foreign land.
Amazing isn't it?  
As I write this I have stopped and started several times.  I notice I have a tendency to get on a tangent regarding my concerns about the "global economy" and my concern about just who is reading the articles and why.  But to stay on track, and focus on positive things I will ignore those thoughts for now and certainly not bore you with any more gloom and doom.
SO!  As I was saying, 
Amazing isn't it?!  Yes indeed it is.  Amazing how I can type something that can be seen instantly around the world.  More amazing is that more people are seeing it everyday, though they may not be reading it!  I would like to think they are anxiously awaiting the next article, but alas I ain't that arrogant....yet anyway!
With all this said, I wanted to share a statistic that Google Blogger tracks.  The system registered a person in Russia the first week or so after I posted my first writing.  What surprises me is how I continue to have people in far away places click on the blog.  My curiosity is growing as I wonder if they are clicking on it by mistake or if they are returning on purpose.  At any rate, here is some interesting statistics regarding "bd babble" and those "around the globe" who are "reading" it.  I know a college rugby friend has read it in New Zealand, though the system does not register him there, so I don't know how accurate this is, but fun anyway!  

On that note, please check out my friends blog at http://kiwiscots.blogspot.co.nz.  He post much more regularly than me, daily actually, and is a great read.  

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United States
as always,

"Don't be obsessed with your desires Danny. The Zen philosopher Basha once wrote, 'A flute with no holes, is not a flute. A donut with no hole, is a Danish.' He was a funny guy."   Ty Webb


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