Experiencing the Magnitude

Experiencing the Magnitude
Will it Matter in a Million Years...maybe

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Georgia Boy Goes Skiing

Snow Chains

Tourist:  someone traveling, a sight seer, a vacationer, funny or ill dressed individuals with cameras clicking away.  Someone who is always looking up instead of where they are going, someone out of their element, someone who doesn't know what they are doing, someone who is "in the way"!

Being mistaken as a tourist ain't all bad, and can actually work to ones advantage if used properly.  This was the case as I headed to Timberline Ski Lodge, Mt. Hood for my first "real" ski trip.  I had actually been skiing once before, 9 years before, but I don't count Sky Valley as a real trip....ski trip that is.  

Although I had driven in snow several times prior to my original move to the PNW, I had never had to use chains.  Heading up Mt. Hood, (elevation 11,249ft), snow chains are often required.  As I looked around there were several people having difficult times with their vehicles and getting the chains on the tires.  My friend Sam and I on the other hand where to busy laughing at each other and our lack of common sense to feel any emotion other than humor.  In typical fashion the day became one of having fun and just trying not to get hurt or worse while doing so.

Road to Timberline Ski Lodge
circa 1995/1996...
I do know it was a Wednesday!
Tourist vs. Idiot:  Although there is usually not much of a difference between these, a positive attitude can make being a tourist fun and allows the non tourists or locals to help you instead of yelling at you for being stupid.  Key here, let them see the license plate, speak with your best Georgia Drawl AND don't tell them you have lived in their state for almost a year!  

YES!  That is a CB antenna on top of the truck!
circa 1995/96

Timberline Lodge, Mt. Hood
my truck, with Georgia plates!

Timberline Ski Lodge; most memorable from the outside shots in the original "THE SHINING", starring Jack Nicholson.

Three days later the skies had cleared and the sun was shining, no pun intended.  I returned to Timberline after my practice day on Wednesday and checked into the lodge that Friday evening.  I awoke to an incredible view from my window...

View of Mt. Hood from room at Timberline Lodge
circa 1995/96
as always,

"There's more to do in the snow than ski."


1 comment:

  1. I love, love, love reading all of these & the pictures are just "postcard" perfect!!! Thanks for sharing your great adventures, stories & tales!
