Experiencing the Magnitude

Experiencing the Magnitude
Will it Matter in a Million Years...maybe

Monday, June 25, 2012

Today's thought........


Movie lines are an insightful way of putting one's daily life in perspective.  Here is a quote that helps me deal with those individuals who don't believe in you or perhaps think they are better than you.  Just remember:

Lester Bangs: "You'll meet them all again on their long journey to the middle." 

as always,


Friday, June 22, 2012

Quotes and Thoughts for the Day


Today's Thought/Quote

Carl Spackler:  "We can do that; we don't even have to have a reason."

Lovin the logic.

as always,


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Quotes and Thoughts to Live By....

Today's Thought/Quote

Lester Burnham: "Remember those posters that said, "Today is the first day of the rest of your life"? Well, that's true of every day but one - the day you die"

as always,


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Sightseeing USA....part three...

Sometimes you just gotta do it on two wheels!

As I mentioned in part one I dream of seeing America via the grand ole customized, decked out, fully loaded RV; there is however another way to see some of the beauty.  It's on two wheels, and while friends and family alike may say "Hell Yeah! Crank up the Harleys!", I ain't talking about that kind of bike.  Biking or bicycling to be more specific and to avoid confusion, is just a different way to experience America.  Yes, I would imagine that "biking" via a Harley Softail or Road King would definitely be exciting.  Having numerous friends and some family who do travel on the back of motorcycles their stories have always intrigued me.  I have never done so.  I have, however, traveled via my bike to some amazing places.  

I am a believer of biking:  Tour/Road, Mountain, BMX/Dirt and of course the classic Beach Comber.  I remember asking for a Mountain Bike at Christmas while in college, much to the confused mind of my girlfriend's father.  Somewhere along the way he couldn't grasp why a third year college student would still want a bicycle.  Well some 25 plus years later I just assume it was a concept that was simply lost in translation.  I road this bike my last year at Georgia College around Milledgeville, GA and the Oconee River Banks.  Later when I moved to Athens this bike was an incredible source of transportation through UGA's campus.  I only recently "recycled" that very bike, a ROSS, MT. WASHINGTON, at a scrap metal shop in Savannah prior to our move in December; some 26 yrs later!

Schwinn Varsity
"she may not be purdy, but she's tough!"

Tour or Road bikes are my true love though.  Many moons ago Santa delivered an awesome red 10 speed Schwinn.  Most friends were getting the newest in dirt bikes or BMX.  I guess I was just more curious about what was on the other side of the interstate vs. jumping some hills.  Schwinn became a main source of transportation even after I turned 16, taking me to work at the local neighborhood pool and countless other undocumented adventures.  Although a heavy bike by today's comparisons and only 10 speeds, it is considered a classic Chicago Schwinn, built in the early 70's, Schwinn's heyday here in America.  Cool trivia but doesn't increase the value that much.

Time for an upgrade, no offense to my Schwinn.....

In 1995 I moved to Beaverton, OR, where I met some friends who introduced me to a cool store; 
Beaverton Bike N Hike.  It was there I was introduced to the last touring bike I'll ever need.

 The Klein Quantum Z, a 16 speed demon.  While I rarely see serious bikers riding Kleins these days, they were bought by Trek Bicycles shortly after my purchase, I do get some great compliments about the quality of bike.  According to most of the articles I've read and the enthusiast I've spoken to, Trek made some changes and eventually hurt, if not ruined, Klein's quality.

I have been clocked at over 60 miles an hour on this beauty, and while that is actually not all that fast to serious bikers, it's damn fast enough for me.  Serious bikers such as those racing in Athens, Georgia's annual Twilight Criterium, http://www.athenstwilight.com/history.php (unofficially known as the Pepsi Twilight when I was in school) would consider 60 a slow speed.  They hit that speed several times during the race.  I do not race.  I hit that speed while training for an upcoming bike trip in Washington State.  Do the math, Washington State....Mountains.....downhill....too scared to squeeze the breaks!

By the way, I still own the Schwinn and the Klein...

Two great bikes, 30 plus years of great rides...

So, I told you those stories, to tell you this one.......

 In September 1996, I had a incredible opportunity to participate in the American Lung Associations fund raiser known as "Trek Tri-Island".  In it's 14th year Trek Tri-Island was billed as:

 "Five Islands, Four Ferry Rides, Three Days, 
Two Countries...One Great Adventure!"

I was working with RTM Restaurant Group and in the process of moving from Albany, OR to Vancouver, WA with my promotion to Area Supervisor.  I was asked by the Regional VP if I was interested in participating in this event.  If my recollection serves me, I had to raise $450.00 to go.  In other words I wrote a check.   The trip was quite fun with three full days of riding.  With literally hundreds of participants there was no lack of interesting people along for the ride.

The ride would take us through the San Juan Islands (see prior story about the whales), into Canada and end in Victoria, B.C.  I do not recall the all of the islands we covered on the ride, let alone the order.  I do remember the various ferry rides from one to the other as well as the incredible energy as everyone was upbeat and happy.

Bikes lined up on one of the ferry rides

Loading onto the ferry

No idea who they are but as I said, everyone was having a good time

We spent Friday night in a school gym and Saturday at a camp ground with cabins.  I always said I would take my tent next time.  Several hundred people snoring in a school gym, a good night's sleep it does not make.
We finished the second day of riding and hitch hiked up to a 9 hole golf course on Saturday.  Most people thought we had lost our minds when we loaded clubs into the cube truck with all of the gear.  Made for an interesting story though.

The ferry rides were not a time for catching your breath.  It was more for meeting new friends, sharing stories, hopefully not repairing the bikes and for just enjoying the sights.  And yes, there was a time before my hair was grey.
Remembering this is the Pacific Northwest and September can be cold I packed accordingly.  Shorts and t-shirts during the day, jeans and layers of shirts and coats for the evenings.  Not a bad view though, and yes the water looks good too...

There were riders of all types:  Serious speed guys, couples, families and even the local politician with her two dachshunds in a buggy behind her bike.  There were a few people along this ride who were in it to time themselves, unfortunately my boss was one of those people.  Riding with my boss I missed an opportunity to ride with my head up and take in more scenery.  Looking back I should have stood my ground about enjoying the ride and checking out some of the great locations, such as Deception Pass.
File:Deceptionpass bridge2.jpg
Check out fun trivia about Deception Pass on Wikipedia.com
Sunday was the last day of riding and we all met up in Victoria, British Columbia.  I highly recommend visiting Victoria any chance you get.  I had hoped to visit this past February and had to reschedule, perhaps next year.

Victoria, British Columbia
Vancouver Island

Once everyone was loaded we headed out of port for our last ferry ride back to Seattle.  I have had a difficult time researching this fund raiser online as 2011 appears to be the last one.  After 29 years the American Lung Association has discontinued this event and replaced it with "Ride Around the Sound 2012".
I did see one article that stated they had to change up the ride as it became more and more difficult to transport gear in cargo trucks crossing back and forth between The U.S. and Canada after September 11, 2001.  Sad, it was an awesome trip.  

Both of these bikes, like most things I own, have traveled across the country and back with me.  Like many other things we enjoy in life riding has become more occasional than regular for me.  I have recently started back up and hope this time around it will remain more regular.  The Rogue Valley is home to some serious riders and one can find a group out almost any day of the year, even January.  Who knows, maybe some day soon I'll try and tackle the Pacific Coast Highway....

as always,

"Life is like a ten speed bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use."
Charles M. Schulz