Experiencing the Magnitude

Experiencing the Magnitude
Will it Matter in a Million Years...maybe

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Heat of the summer and it's only June..

Well it is only June 18th and here in Savannah, the heat is continuing to build steadily.  Lack of rain and intense heat has caused fires in South Georgia and in parts of Florida.  Tonight after dinner it was apparent that these fires are growing as the winds blew the smoke in and around the islands of Wilmington, Tybee and the like.

With the heat and lack of rain most yards are dying/burning off.  Basically the yards are turning into dust bowls.
Ironically our garden is growing at incredible speeds.  Thank goodness for an in ground well/watering system.  Tomato plants have grown to over ten (10) feet in height and seem to keep going.  The pepper plants are doing well as well.  Toby's basil plants, well they always seem to be huge.  She made fresh pesto last week and has sold most to a couple of neighbors.  She keeps this up and maybe I can stop working all together.

Today a family of two Shriner children hosted a horseshoe tournament fund raiser as a way of saying thank you for taking care of their children.  While I have no idea how much was raised as of yet at today's event I must say I was impressed with the organization.  It is not often you see parents so appreciative of the Shriner's that they in turn begin their own fund raisers to help support the hospitals.  It was truly a great day.  And did I mention it was HOT!

Upon proof reading this I realize I am already bouncing around from one topic to another and only in a few short paragraphs.  So perhaps I should bring tonight's thoughts to a close.  But not before I mention a few great concepts.  1)  Happiness is a choice, what did you choose today....?  2)  laugh till it hurts...then laugh some more.  Have a great night, check back in soon.

as always,

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

babble 1....the Journey begins

At the age of 44 most people believe they have found themselves (as if they were lost to begin with) or have at least started to define who they are and what they stand for.  Well I don't mean to burst your bubble but that just ain't always so!  Nor should it be.  Life is a journey and as we all know the journey is what makes life interesting.

As I began the process of starting this blog I wavered from idea to idea over the what the content should/would be.  While I am still not certain where this will go, as if we ever are, I do know that it will be a journey; a journey I hope that will be interesting and thought provoking along the way.  Journeys should be great fun and often require extensive planning....of course there is also the start walking and see where you end up approach (kinda like this blog).  Finding the appropriate balance of planning and letting it happen is dependent on the individual(s) involved.  Let's face it, that's what makes each of us unique.

So as I move forward (or backwards) with my thoughts and comments in the days and weeks ahead I hope you will find this an interesting read.  As of this posting, which has taken some time to decide to finally post, I am planning on adding at least one new post each week.  If I find that I have more beneficial thoughts, ideas or stories of interest I will increase that number.  But let's not set the bar too high!

The concept of "the journey begins..." is from a file folder that I initially stored all of my paperwork in from my move to Oregon in 1995.  As I began packing for my move across country I placed my resume and a copy of the newspaper classified for my new job in this folder.  Over the years I occasionally would add something to the folder, a picture, new apartment address, etc... but usually it was forgotten about until my next move. I had no idea what laid ahead nor was I all that concerned.

I ran across this folder a few months back and began reminiscing yet once again.  Not so much on the days of my first big move in '95 but more about all of the new journeys I have begun in my life.  Life is a compilation of all of one's journeys, big or small, throughout their time here on earth.

Each day is a mini journey in the grand scheme of your life's bigger journey.  Make the decision every day that that day's journey is going to be AWESOME!  Take a picture of that day, file it away and occasionally pull it out to reflect and remember what made it so incredible.

Good Luck!
as always,