Experiencing the Magnitude

Experiencing the Magnitude
Will it Matter in a Million Years...maybe

Sunday, January 24, 2016

How'd You Spend Your Saturday?

While I would have prefered to have been in God's Country, Athens, Georgia, attending the 3rd annual UGA Rugby Banquet, I was able to get out and enjoy the day.

Temperatures have not been low enough to freeze the lake so no cross country today.  A couple of years ago we spent the day traversing around and across the lake on a beautiful sunny day.  Hopefully we'll continue to get snow and freezing temps in the area.

Wasn't the best weather but much like fishing, playing in the snow is still better than working.

After two years of minimal snow Mt. Mcloughlin is finally getting a decet amount of preciptation.  

"Somebody asked me, if I were stranded on a desert island what book would I bring.....How to build a boat."   STEPHEN WRIGHT

as always,
